
  • Wood Waste: 617KWe, Nanbu Cho, Japan


    Producing Renewable Energy from Wood Waste in Nanbu Cho, Japan

    In Japan, we use forestry residue as fuel to generate power and heat. Nanbu Cho Power Station in Yamanshi prefecture operates in Ultra Clean Gas mode to generate renewable energy and supplies it to the local grid. It also generates heat to dry the incoming wood as well as heating the local swimming pool. The Biochar produced at this plant removes approximately 1,000 tons of CO2 from atmosphere per year.

    Project Highlights Technical Specifications
    Tri-gen – fossil fuel substitution & renewable energy project
    Operating in ultra clean gas mode
    Biochar & Pyroligneous Acid production
    Blue Flame Gasifier – model DD850
    ~ 900,000 Kcal/hr of heat recovery
    ~ 1,000 t-CO2 equivalent/year of atmospheric Carbon removal
    ~ 4 million liters of Pyroligneous Acid per year

    Woody Biomass